Christmas Program:
We are no longer having profile families-we refer people to find a clubs, church or other programs to aid them at Christmas, If they need a dinner for the holidays, call the pantry 2 weeks in advance of the Holiday
Feed My People:
Pantries of a variety of food items, enough to last up to 2 weeks. Fresh food such as milk, eggs, oleo and meats are also given out with the pick up the regular food.
Clothe My People:
A clothes shop where people in need can get clothing, bedding and small household items free or at very nominal prices. Everyone is welcome to shop at out thrift store. Proceeds go to support our Food Pantry.
There are 20+ million children in this country who are at risk of hunger. The consequences of hunger are much more than a growling stomach. Poor nutrition can result in shorter attention spans and less success in school. Children are fed during the week by federal goverment programs, but not over the weekend.
Backpack Buddies is a program funded by Feed & Clothe My People in Door County. They provide snacks for 300 elementary children (who qualify for free or reduced lunch) at 4 Door County schools. Backpack snacks include ready-to-eat foods like fresh fruit, pudding, juice boxes and granola bars. During 30 weeks of the school year, 5 snack items go home with the child for the weekend.
The snacks are "mini-meals" to be dispersed as the parent/guardian sees fit. Feed and Clothe My People and those who support them, understand this growing problem of Hunger and are part of the solution.
2015 Positive Feedback:
Evaluation forms were sent home stapled to the Backpack Buddy snack bags. Here is what we learned: The favorite items include fruits, pudding, juice boxes, cheese-its, and goldfish. Comments were all positive. “It’s really nice that you do this for the kids. Thank you.” “Thank you so much for the Backpack Buddies. My daughter loves them.” Every response to the question, “Are you eating healthier snacks when snacking?” was “Yes”.
Miscellaneous Emergencies:
In cases of fire, disasters, relocation, and other displacements from homes, we reserve a stock of items to start up a household. This could consist of bedding, linens, small appliances, utensils, dishes, pots and pans, as well as food and clothing. |