Feed And Clothe My People
We Are Caring People Helping Neighbors
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National Council for Aging Care


As an organization run primarily by volunteers, we are always in need of people like you to help us accomplish our mission to help our neighbors. Jobs can be varied or specific depending on mutual needs (yours and ours).
   Volunteer jobs include:
     Sorting, stocking and distributing clothing and food donations
     Light maintenance
     Running errands
     Yard work
We currently need one volunteer on Fridays from 10AM to 2PM to hang up clothing, one on Monday from 2PM to 6PM to accept donations at the door and another on Tuesday from 10AM to 2PM to accept donations at the door.

We salute this quiet force of people who keep this program running on a daily basis. We could not function without them.

Do you regularly (weekly, biweekly, monthly) have an hour or two that you would like to use to not only help your neighbors but to be a part of a great group of people? If you do, we sure could use your help! What a great way to broaden your circle of friends!

No experience necessary.
Please call Stella at (920) 743-9053 today.
We need you!


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